Our Services
Email, Direct Mail, and Digital Acquisition Audience Sourcing
The bread and butter of Beyond Direct. Data sourcing that includes both highly sought 1st party data publishers as well as 3rd party sources with stringent opt-in requirements and impeccable hygiene practices.
Audience Analytics & Modeling
Segmentation of audiences, response analysis, conversion analysis … all fundamental principles of direct response whether online or offline. Look-alike models and audience scoring long predated the social platforms’ “ownership” of the concept. We score and select the right audiences who are most likely to convert. We leverage demographic, psychographic, transactional, and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) data to accurately identify the best prospects.
Programmatic E-Mail Network
Programmatic + e-mail? A match made in heaven! For the right clients, we take the guesswork out of segmenting e-mail publishers by combining highly targeted content with aggressive CPM’s. Give it 3 months and you’ll never look back.
Optimized E-Newsletter Advertising Networks
e-Newsletters… why? Have you seen Facebook’s performance of late!! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg as 3rd party cookies vanish into the marketing ether. e-Newsletters to the rescue and we have plenty of scale reaching actual readers!
Direct Mail Print & Production
What’s old is new. Direct mail wins when you combine the right elements. Why not go where the competition isn’t? For advertisers willing to play the longer game of waiting a few weeks for results, they claim the prize that comes with the top responding direct marketing channel in history.
Digital Fraud Analysis & Prevention
It must be said: Most of your digital traffic is fraudulent. We can find it and eliminate it. Hard stop.
Spend time doing what you do best. You craft the best messaging to attract new customers and let us find audiences who are receptive to your offers.
Audiences properly aligned with messaging can vault brands to unforeseen heights. Our mandate is bringing a constant flow of new audiences from publishers, networks, and even brands themselves to the marketplace. Beyond Direct clients benefit from our audience-centric approach to solving the marketing riddle. We can help you too. Let’s discuss your marketing struggles. We’re happy to help overcome your challenge!