Who We Are

Tom Chillot, President / CEO

Brian Whitelock, Managing Partner

James Carson, Senior Vice President

Christian Vergara, Vice President

Burak Esen, Director of Business Development

Kristi Chillot , Chief Operating Officer

Beyond culture.

At Beyond Direct, we come to work each day with these guiding principles:

“Make your bed.”
— Admiral William H. McRaven

Do the little things right – always – and the big things will take care of themselves. Each accomplishment will fuel the next, bigger accomplishment.

“Pull the goalie.”
— Malcolm Gladwell

In ice hockey, teams at a deficit typically wait until there are just 60 seconds left in the game to swap their goalie (and expose their goal) for a 6th skater to try to tie the score. Why? Fear of being “disagreeable.” Even though statistics reveal that the goalie should be pulled around the 6-minute mark, the fear of disapproval or of being disliked for breaking convention is stronger than doing what the data deems “right”. At Beyond Direct, it’s not about convention or status quo. We’ll take winning campaigns over doing the expected or being liked any day!

“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.”
— David Ogilvy

We strive to take each client to heights far above and beyond those attained before our employ.  If that wasn’t our goal, we wouldn’t be in business.

“I never lose. I either win or I learn.”
— Nelson Mandela

We a/b test constantly within our marketing campaigns. By definition that produces a ‘loser’ each time.  But each ‘loser’ offers key lessons that strengthen the overall account, resulting in continual growth. This concept is applied across our business in all that we do.